Search Modes

Under Search Options on the Advanced Search screen, the search modes offer four different ways to conduct a search. You can combine a search mode with expanders such as Apply related words, and/or with limiters such as Full Text or Publication Type.

Select from:

    When you click the SmartText Searching radio button, the Find field grows to indicate that you can enter as much text as you want. Type in text, or copy and paste text from an article (or other source) into the Find field, select any of the limiters or expanders, and click Search.
    SmartText Searching will run the search using the citation's abstract and a new Result List will display. If no abstract is available, SmartText Searching will run the search on the article title. If SmartText Searching is not available in the database being searched, Find Similar Results searches the article's subject headings or descriptors.

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